Conversions. What a beautiful word! That’s what every business wants, right? I mean, that is what drives business’ sales, overall making them more profitable, fueling the economy, and being able to supply willing and able job-seekers with their potential dream job. It’s what provides that business the ability to make a significant mark and difference in this world. But what is hindering businesses from getting online conversions? If ‘website’ came to mind, you’re already a step ahead of many. Many businesses will invest in all of the valuable digital marketing channels such as SEO, PPC, social media, email marketing, and more, believing that those methods will be the ticket to driving their business success. Don’t get me wrong, they’re absolutely a key component! However, clicks and traffic to your website isn’t what drives conversions. Phone calls, form submissions and website purchases do that.

So how do you turn your website into your most valued salesperson to bring in those conversions?

Here are 6 tips on how to do just that.

  1. Capture Attention Immediately
    We live in a fast paced society where patience and time is limited. Many sources have found that you have less than 10 seconds to capture the attention of a website visitor before they decide whether or not they’re going to stay on your site. Don’t leave anything to guess or up to the imagination. Provide a clear, concise overview as soon as someone lands on your homepage of who you are, what you do, how you can help, and why someone would want to choose you over one of your competitors.

  2. Provide Dynamic, Engaging Content
    This is another contributing factor to capturing the attention of your site visitors. Your website should be packed with informative content that is dynamic and engaging. Mix up the media on your site – a wall of text is never fun to sift through. Break up your copy into easily digestible chunks, add infographics, videos, and imagery that brings each page to life and adds value to your prospective customers.

  3. Content that Packs a Punch
    Again, people want to learn about who you are, how your products and services can benefit them, and what you have to offer that others don’t. Only include copy that centers around those points and remove any other fluff that you have. If it doesn’t provide value to your prospective customers, replace it with something that does.

  4. Clear Navigation
    Make it as easy and clear as possible for your website visitors to find what they’re looking for. Include a navigational menu at the top of every page. Keep your headers clear and understandable, don’t leave your visitors guessing what they’ll find once they click.

  5. Show that you are reputable!
    Include trust badges on your website – any awards or accolades. Anything that might set your company apart or be appealing to your prospects, display those! Include customer reviews from a 3rd party plugin. If you don’t have reviews yet, begin thinking about how you can best get those – whether that’s verbally asking your customers when finishing the job or following up with a phone call, text message or email post service or after they’ve had a chance to experience your product. Whatever it takes, having others’ stamp of approval on your business, increases the confidence of your potential buyers.

  6. Clear CTAs
    Last but not least, direct your site visitors in the action you want them to take. Nothing is worse than a salesperson who has a great offering, crushes the pitch but is afraid to ask you to take the desired action. The same goes for your website! Don’t leave your interested visitors guessing how to take the next step or get in touch with you. Give your site visitor the most clear and easy opportunities to convert and eliminate the number of clicks it takes for them to get there. Great ways to go about this would be to have your phone number and contact us or quote request icon in the header of every page on your website. Taking that a step further, make your header static so that no matter where a visitor scrolls on the page, they can see how to reach you. On all product or service pages, have a contact or quote request form available for the prospect to fill out right then and there.  

Bringing it back to my correlation of a salesperson, if they don’t do a good job of explaining the company, who they are, how they can help, why they’re reputable, and why you should choose them over their competitors, it’s likely they’re not going to get the sale. Even more so, if they never ask for the sale (clear CTAs), it’s extra likely they won’t get them! In this case, your website is your 24/7 salesperson and if it’s not doing each of these things, you need to hire someone new.

At 4AM Demand, part of our initial go to market strategy sessions include a review of the website and recommendations on how to improve your conversion process. Once we start generating interest, having a website that converts is going to be pivotal in the businesses success. Your website is one of your most valuable sales people you could ever invest into, make it good.

Get in touch with us to get started on your growth journey. 

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